Welcome to Project Synthiclick

Anonymization and Synthesis of Click Paths and Behavior on the Web

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Aims and Approach

The project "Anonymization and Synthesis of Click Paths and Behavior on the Web (SynthiClick)" aims to develop new concepts for anonymization and data synthesis that allow reach measurements, usage analyses and benchmarking in online marketing in compliance with data protection laws. For this purpose, generative machine learning methods are used to synthesise attribute-true data sets from survey and tracking data of German websites. The researchers are developing metrics to compare the anonymous, synthesised data with the survey and tracking data sets.

At the same time, they check whether there is actually no more personally identifiable information. Subsequently, the metrics are used to perform sustainable anonymisations using synthesis algorithms, which then generate freely usable data sets. The developed algorithms and generated data will be transferred to the public domain.

Who is who?

In this project, the following academic and private partners are working together:



KASTEL Security Research Labs
Chair of IT Security
Prof. Dr. Strufe

INFOnline GmbH


Service provider for digital audience measurement

Leuphana University


Institute of Information Systems
Machine Learning
Prof. Dr. Brefeld


SynthiClick is a project that is funded by the European Union as part of the NextGenerationEU program.



For more information about the project and our partners, you can contact our coordinator Prof. Strufe.
